~Somewhere i belong~

You're free to choose respond in whatever stimlus come. No one could hurt you without your consent. Because we have reaponse-ability, the ability to choose our respond.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Donate Rm5 induced quarrel with Mother

Funny news right?

I just donated Rm5 for an india woman, and my mum keep scolding me for almost 30 minutes..

keep nagging untill non-stop..

claming that i am too naive and stupid to be cheated...

I admit i am too soft to reject people..

but Rm5 notes wasn't a big deal right? Wad can you buy with Rm5? a meal? a drink?

Oklah, i won't doante anymore to any people that around me adn persuading me..

get the lesson before get the nag~

Stupid me!!!!!!!!!! frustrated...

After calming down, i really think i am really stupid to believe her..
Really stupid...白痴+大笨蛋+幼稚...

But i am lucky haven't been hurt yet by that cheater..
Really fortunate ya~

However, Nagging haven't end yet!


At 10:11 PM, Blogger 卡宾 said...

er...sometimes have to depend on the situation oso wat~hehe...
for me...i think i will donate oso~~
Maybe i am Stupid~but i dun care about what others think~~maybe the RM5 can help ppl who really need it? ;)

At 4:46 PM, Blogger Yzene said...

Ya,Rm 5 is not that much..
But it is not worth for a cheat..
i can donate for others who really need.
After i start working, i will consider to donate to some charity org..

At 9:50 PM, Blogger 卡宾 said...

er....sometimes..i oso not really believe those charity activities..hehe..
as u can see..why those ppl who only work for charity stuff, but damn rich~= ="
Er..actually i got those news from those case happened in Singapore and my friend as well...
Sometimes got ppl work for charity but is that they really report the real ammount? or juz go into their pocket? no one will know rite?hehe..

At 6:16 PM, Blogger Yzene said...

I believe sin chew jit poh fund is honest... So hard to be a good and kind person~haiz

At 11:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had the same problem last time by donating money to others.

Yeah, RM5 is not much, but the problem is we are helping those liars to come out for donation if we donate to them.

After all, I've decided to just donate money to those charity organization directly, not through those staffs. I'm not sure whether the full amount will be donated to the people in need, I think this is a better way to donate money. ^_^


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