~Somewhere i belong~

You're free to choose respond in whatever stimlus come. No one could hurt you without your consent. Because we have reaponse-ability, the ability to choose our respond.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

3 day PSDM course by KT

attended a 3-day course. Learn about problem solving & decision making. Hope i could fully utilize the KT in my works be more effective. These are the misc group members..the white mahjong papers on the wall are our ideas to solve the case studies.


At 1:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PSDM is what?
KT is what?

At 12:53 PM, Blogger Yzene said...

PSDM stand for problem solving & decision making.
KT is the company name, Kerner Tergie ( i think i spell wrongly :p)


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