~Somewhere i belong~

You're free to choose respond in whatever stimlus come. No one could hurt you without your consent. Because we have reaponse-ability, the ability to choose our respond.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Bad hair day

Finally i went to perm my hair...
The hair stylist promised me to curl my hair naturally...
end up....the curl portion is indeed curly..
I can't even adapt my new look..
so to my family members.. my bro's comment more even hurt me..
auntie's hair! my mum's keep nagging why am i never make clear that what kind of hair style i prefer.. I did.. In fact, I am much worrier than others..
My money, my hair, my look.. All belong to me..
i feel so bad...
Now how i understand the feeling of $$ burnt..
i have pretty much of event ahead..
hopefully after i shampoo my haird the curl condition could improve..
I don't dare to go out now..
Can i work from home on Monday???


At 3:09 PM, Blogger ahhong said...

em..wear cap?
or tie up?


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